Green-AeroSM Tooling
- Based on ceramic microspheres in a water-soluble refractory binder
- Available as custom single-sided tooling or custom washout mandrels
Features and Properties
- Rapid: tooling in as little as one day
- Lightweight: ≈0.4 g/cc (≈24 lb/cu.ft.)
- Inexpensive: tool cost is ≤ 5% of Invar tools
- Low, constant CTE: ≤ 5x10-6/K (≤2.8 µin/in/F)
- Low thermal mass: due to its very low density
- Versatile: washout mandrels or single-sided tools
- Accurate: as molded ± 0.38mm (0.015"); as machined ± 0.13 mm (0.005")
- Reliable: uniform, reproducible; easily repaired
- Tailorable: tool properties adjustable; can incorporate co-cured features
- Warm-water washout: even after high-T cure of up to 370°C/700°F, 1400 kPa/200 psi
- Master or mold sees room T only: and only rough vacuum
- Straightforward multi-tool production: suitable for rate manufacturing
- Scalable: tools can be assembled from blocks or units to achieve large sizes
- Green: all steps are environmentally benign